Our THIRD 30 Days Abroad: By the Numbers

I sit here in shock that we are ALREADY on our third 30 days post– meaning we have been gone for more than 90 days total!  We had a lot of fun putting together our first and second thirty day review posts and hope you all will enjoy reading this one as much as we enjoy working together to crank it out.

Here goes!

Dates Included: August 25 – September 23, 2018

Countries Visited:  4 (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand)

Cities/Towns Visited: 10 (Hue, Hoi An, Ho Chi Minh City, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Vietvianne, Vang Vieng, Luang Prabang, Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai)


Number of Flights Taken: 10

Number of Buses Taken: 12

Number of Taxi/Uber Rides: 3

Number of Vans Taken: 3

Number of Tuk Tuk Rides: 5


Number of AirBNB’s Slept In: 5

Number of Hotels Slept In: 5


Percentage of Meals Eaten Out: 62% (50)

Percentage of Meals Eaten In: 7% (6)

Percentage of Meals Eaten in Airport Lounges: 5% (4)

Percentage of Meals Provided by Hotels or AirBNB’s: 26% (21)


So for the past sixty days, as our faithful readers are aware, despite Rich and Amanda spending countless hours together going to all of the same places, Rich amasses MILES more of steps than Amanda as tracked by their FitBits.  BUT this thirty days, we had gyms!  Amanda ran MILES on the treadmill while Rich lifted weights.  Will it make a difference?


  • Total Distance: 329,684 steps (152.3 miles)
  • Average Daily Distance: 10,989 steps (5.08 miles)
  • Daily High: 28,060 steps (12.88 miles)
  • Daily Low: 3,342 steps (1.53 miles)


  • Total Distance: 270,505 steps (121.2 miles)
  • Average Daily Distance: 9,017 steps (4.04 miles)
  • Daily High: 22,953 steps (10.03 miles)
  • Daily Low: 2,511 (1.1 miles)

So, nope, the running did not make a difference.  Sorry trainer Meg and Aaptiv.

Our steps are WAY down from our last 30 days where we were averaging over 2,000 more steps a day.  Europe is set up for walking as a mode of transportation in a way that Southeast Asia just isn’t.  We are hoping to get this activity back up.


I should really rename this category.  #shade

Our reading was down a bit; we had more trouble finding books in English in Southeast Asia.  We also had to pay for all of these except Trevor Noah’s Born A Crime.  Rich and I had better luck in Europe with taking books that were left behind in AirBNBs and hotels (and usually leaving a few behind ourselves).



We found a HUGE bookstore in Ho Chi Minh City. It was great EXCEPT the books were not in alpha order by writer or title.  Mind blowing. How were you supposed to find anything?!?

Flights: 28% (13% increase)

Other Transportation (Buses, Trains, Ferries, Taxis, Funiculars): 5% (3% decrease)

Lodging: 42% (2% decrease)

Food:  16% (3% decrease)

Sightseeing: 3% (2 % decrease)

Other (Books, Haircut, Laundry, Toiletries, Trips to H&M): 6% (4% decrease)

Rich getting his hair cut in Chiang Mai, Thailand

How do we choose?!?

Favorite Meal:

  • Rich: Crispy Pad Thai (from the MAYA shopping mall food court) in Chiang Mai, Thailand; Runner Up– Philly Cheesesteak at Vibe Cafe in Siem Reap, Cambodia
  • Amanda: The Spicy Pork Ragu Noodles at Nu Eatery in Hoi An, Vietnam; Runner Up–Red Curry with Tofu + Mango Sticky Rice at Happy Mango Thai Restaurant in Vang Vieng, Laos (We ate twice at both restaurants!)
Food court crispy pad thai– It cost less than $2!  Imagine pad thai meets nachos.

Favorite AirBNB:

Favorite Hotel:

The view from our room at the beautiful Riverside Boutique Hotel

Favorite City/Town:

  • Rich: Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Amanda: Chiang Mai, Thailand

Favorite Mode of Transportation: 

  • Rich: Flying for $15 one way in Southeast Asian cities
  • Amanda: The van ride from Vang Vieng to Luang Prabang.  We started with one driver, and then midway through the ride, we got a new driver.  We drove over the most treacherous roads.  The second driver got out to pee on the side of the road three times.  But the land was BEAUTIFUL.  It reminded me of the rolling hills of North Georgia where my family is from, and for about four hours, I could just sit, stare out the window, and take it all in.

Favorite Beach/Pool: 

  • Rich: The hotel pool at the Riverside Boutique Hotel in Vang Vieng, Laos
  • Amanda: Our hotel pool in Vietianne.  While it wasn’t the most glamorous pool, inexplicably, for one day at the pool, there was a giant unicorn float when we arrived.  Read more here about how that went for Rich.
unicorn float in Vientiane
So much love for the unicorn float

Favorite Book Read:

  • Rich: Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
  • Amanda:  Either Commonwealth: A Novel by Ann Patchett OR Born A Crime by Trevor Noah.  Although Crazy Rich Asians was really fun too…#nerd

Least Favorite Moment:

  • Rich: We had a great night out in Siem Reap enjoying a delicious dinner and two amazing cocktails at Miss Wong Cocktail Bar. We had a nice walk home and then…tragedy struck. OK, not tragedy just an unfortunate accident. Our Airbnb in Siem Reap was a really cute little place that had big glass doors opening to a small lobby. First, let me start of by saying the large glass double doors had been open the entire two days we were staying there. Second, they were really really clean. I am starting to tell this story like Amanda. I will get to the point: I walked face first into the glass doors as if I were walking through an open door. My nose and mouth started gushing blood, followed by lots of cursing and a call home to my dad to ask if my nose was broken (it wasn’t). This “clean glass door” incident led to lots of ice, Neosporin, and Bio Oil to help my face heal. I am happy to report that two weeks later I am 90% of the way to being scar free.
  • Amanda: That’s a lot to follow.  We took a van from Vang Vieng to Luang Prabang, and in a strange turn of events, the driver dropped us off at a location that was NOT the bus station because “of the police.”  We had a tuk tuk scheduled to pick us up at the bus stop, and since we had no idea how to communicate our new location, we decided to walk to the AirBNB.  Little did we know, this walk, in the dark, involved crossing a VERY rickety pedestrian bridge over a river carrying all of our belongings.   I’ll probably write more about this in my post on Luang Prabang, so for now, I will just admit to having a complete and total meltdown, just short of tears, in the middle of said bridge of death.
Did we mention that the day after the glass door incident was our visit to Angkor Wat?

Most Favorite Moments: 

  • Rich: The four days exploring the Nimman neighborhood in Chiang Mai, Thailand, lounging by the pool in Vang Vieng overlooking the limestone mountains, and our day working at The Workshop Coffee in Ho Chi Minh City.  Oh, also hiking a waterfall in Luang Prabang.  We will blog about these soon!
  • Amanda:  Visiting Angkor Wat .  It was like being on another planet.  I cannot believe such an incredible place exists.  When we first entered Angkor Wat shortly after sunrise, most of the visitors were going straight, and we took a left.  About 100 steps in, and we were all alone, in this huge section of the temple.  It was amazing.  I also loved bicycling to see temples in Chiang Rai and then coming “home” to the hotel to read at the pool.  oh, AND I loved being at a lagoon in Vang Vieng when all of these middle school aged boys got out of school.  Watching them jump out of trees and off bridges into the water was incredible.  I ALMOST FORGOT THE CAT CAFE.  OF COURSE, THE CAT CAFE.


Looking back on the last thirty days, here are a few things we want to commit to doing moving forward.

  1. Use the 7-11.  Hear me out.  In Europe, we stayed almost exclusively in AirBNB’s with kitchens, and going grocery shopping was a must-do in every new place.  Here in Southeast Asia, it is actually cheaper to buy food out, especially from street vendors or mall food courts, than to cook.  Still, there were many times that we were one or two snacks away from being a little less hangry if we planned ahead better.  We did a good job with this in Chiang Mai, where the “Sev” (as Rich calls it) was on our street, and it made a big difference.
  2. Do more research on the places we are visiting before we get there.  I am going to admit that often I learn a ton about a historical place like Siem Reap when I blog about it after we have already visited.  Several times, people who have vacationed in a place we are visiting have told us that we “HAVE” to get a guide to explore an area, but honestly, that’s just not financially practical on a trip as long as ours.  Still, I want to commit to doing a better job at researching historical sites before rolling out the door so that we don’t miss anything while it is happening.
  3. Schedule our time on a calendar.  At our jobs, Rich and I were both super type-A schedulers with serious calendars.  For better or worse, we have relaxed those tendencies.  There are ways that not being so scheduled allows us to enjoy the moments we are in, but we also can see a pattern of not getting all of the things done that we wanted to do (i.e. blogging, planning, working out) because our “plan” for the day evolves the day of, often after an hour or two in the morning lost to playing on Insta or Twitter.  We both love feeling productive so we want to try to start scheduling out the four or five days we will spend at a place on our calendars on the travel day when we arrive.  We can let you know how it goes.


  1. The confidence gained knowing that we are doing this. Rich and I have been gone for more than 90 days.  We are traveling the world.  We are not by any means perfect at it, but when we run into challenges, like glass doors (too soon?), we are able to keep on keeping on.  Neither had us had ever been to Asia before and now we have both spent more than thirty days in Southeast Asia.  When we first discussed traveling the world for a year, we weren’t quite sure it was possible.  But we are doing it!  That feels great.
  2. All of the support from our friends and family at home.  There are sweet friends who I had fallen out of touch with who because of this trip I am back in touch with as they reach out with kind messages, emails, and likes on pictures.  We both feel like we have a whole big team of cheerleaders, rooting for and encouraging us on our way.  And we have made new friends with other traveling couples through Instagram who provide us tips on places we are going next or even feature us on their blogs.  THANK YOU for all of the support.  It is awesome.
  3. Spending time together. Still.  Even when we melt down on bridges and are hangry.  Having this time to travel, explore, learn, love, and process is an unbelievable gift, and we are having a blast.

Days 63- 69: More Vietnam! Our Time in Hoi An and Ho Chi Minh City

life jacket in hoi an

Rich and I had heard really amazing things about Hoi An, Vietnam, and Hoi An came through!  We stayed in an amazing AirBNB with one of our favorite hosts, ate delicious meals, and enjoyed wandering and exploring each day.

Rich and I felt a bit sick and rundown in Ho Chi Minh City, and we know long stretches of travel can do that to you.  We still enjoyed our time there and found a few gems we would definitely revisit if we ever make our way back.

Day 63: Travel from Hue to Hoi An on a SLEEPING Bus

So the bus ride from Hue to Hoi An was only about four hours long, but the only type of bus available for the journey is a sleeping bus.

The sleeping bus has bunk bed- type accommodations as well as free WiFi. Woot!

Unfamiliar with a sleeping bus?  We were too.  Instead of having normal bus seats, you recline for the ride so you are able to get some sleep.

Once you go sleeping bus, you will never want to go back.  Despite being a few inches taller than the typical passenger and perhaps needing another inch or two of leg room, the seats were remarkably comfortable.  It was also great to have your own space (no offense, honey!) for the ride.

10/10 experience.  Sleeping bus for the win.

sleeping bus to hoi an
Just a little sleeping bus selfie…
Rich sleeping on sleeping bus to Hoi An
Rich sleeping IMMEDIATELY on the sleeping bus. Seriously, we had not been moving for more than 10 minutes when he was 100% asleep.

We got to Hoi An and got a bit turned around when the google directions took us to the wrong address for our AirBNB (we were on foot with our luggage on the wrong road…), but our hostess Vuong somehow found us on her motorbike and graciously drove us to the right location.

The AirBNB was beautiful.  We had arrived!

Super cute and cozy (although my bed making skills may leave a bit to be desired!)

Day 64: Enjoying the Beach in Hoi An

Our AirBNB included breakfast, which the first morning was fresh fruit in the refrigerator which I cut hacked open with the largest knife I have ever seen.

knife in Hoi An
Did I mention it was a pretty big knife?
Dragon fruit! Do we have this in America?
fruit in Hoi An
I have literally not a clue what this fruit is called. Didn’t keep me from eating it.

Then it was time to head to the beach! Our AirBNB included the use of two bicycles so we pedaled about 20 minutes through the town, then over rice fields to the beach.  Cycling is not my favorite– I also think my bike was a little bit broken– but we made it.

water buffalo selfie in hoi an
It’s normal to stop your bike ride to take a selfie with a water buffalo, right?
The Beach at Hoi An

We paid about a quarter to have someone watch our bikes, and then the second we stepped on sand, we received offers for cheap prices for beach chairs.  As we walked, the prices got lower until we arrived at a spot offering free chairs if you bought lunch.  Rich asked if we could buy drinks instead and received a pretty nebulous answer that we took as a yes.

We settled in with a beer (Rich) and coconut juice (Amanda) to enjoy some sun!  And this sun was hot! I was still overcoming the trauma of the jellyfish attack so Rich and I opted to stay out of the water.

beach in Hoi An
Enjoying the beach in Hoi An!

When it came time to pay, of course, the restaurant added the price of the chairs to our bill.  We negotiated adding an order of french fries and two beers (beers were about 75 cents a piece) to our order to come out even so it worked out in the end.

Banh Mi for Lunch

We rode our bikes back to town for a much less expensive and very delicious banh mi lunch.  We got two banh mi sandwiches with fresh avocado and two cans of coke for $3.75 total.

banh mi in hoi an
Our delicious $3.75 TOTAL banh mi lunch.

Banh mi have saved our budget as we traveled through Vietnam.

Dinner and Lights in Pretty Hoi An

Hoi An at night is pretty spectacular.  There are lights and lanterns everywhere, and there is an amazing Japanese bridge connecting the two sides of the river.  On the river itself, visitors light “lantern flowers,” representing individual hopes and prayers, and send them out to float.  It’s magical.

I found a fabulous restaurant called Nu online.  We are pretty in touch with what we want in a restaurant at this point, and top criteria includes:

  • Vegetarian and vegan options.  I’m not a vegetarian or vegan yet (ha!), but my experience says that places with vegetarian and vegan offerings are just more likely serve healthier food in general.  I also eat vegetarian as much as I can to get enough nutrients to make up for the days we are subsisting on coffee, Oreos, and noodles (doesn’t happen often but has happened– Mom, you raised me better).
  • Fusion dishes.  I’m sure it would be sexier and make us sound more adventurous to say we only eat 100% authentically local dishes abroad.  We don’t.  When a place gets good reviews from Westerners, it’s a good indication that we will probably like it too.
  • A small menu.  We almost always like restaurants that specialize in a few items more than places that have the Cheesecake Factory-sized binder of choices. We are not picky– we can find something we will like on a small menu.

At Nu, we started with pork belly bao buns, and then had a beef noodle ragu and fried rice with sesame chicken entree, and then enjoyed a small cheesecake dessert. Yum.

Pretty lanterns in Hoi An
Our Hoi An night selfie
Rich dragon in Hoi An
Rich with a dragon!
Nu in Hoi An
Dinner at Nu– delicious!

Day 65: Work Day and Pretty Night Out

After no internet on the Halong Bay cruise and an active 24 hours in Hue, we desperately needed to get caught up on blogging and trip planning.  Our AirBNB host Vuong brought us egg banh mi for breakfast, and then we spent the whole day inside knocking out work.  It was glorious.

Rich working in Hoi An
Work day in Hoi An! I worked from the bed while Rich set up a little office of his own.

Hoi An was one of the most picturesque (read: Insta-ready) places we had visited so we ran out before sunset to take as many pictures as possible.

While taking pictures around 5:30 PM, we realized we had not eaten since breakfast and were STARVING so we grabbed a quick pre-dinner banh mi.  Which I then immediately spilled on my shirt– changing our Insta capturing approach.  Oops!

Rich looking Insta fresh.
banh mi on my shirt in Hoi An
Messy me! After I got in the fight with the banh mi…Can’t take me anywhere.
Hoi An vibes ONLY. This mural was in an adorable little boutique in downtown Hoi An.
Lanterns, lanterns everywhere.
Hoi An river
The river that runs through Hoi An is beautiful. This shot is from the Japanese bridge.

For dinner, we went back to Nu.  It was that good.

Day 66: Travel to Ho Chi Minh City and American Lunch

Travel to Ho Chi Minh City (previously Saigon) was super easy.  A shuttle picked us up from our hotel and drove us to the airport in Danang, about an hour away.  We took one quick and easy flight to HCMC, and we were there around 11:30 AM.  There was a local bus from the airport to the city, and we were in our AirBNB by 12:30 PM.

For lunch, we found an American sandwich shop called Journey’s, and it was like being back in America.  Beyonce and Jay-Z on the stereo, crispy bacon on our BLT, and delicious air conditioning.

american sandwich in hcmc
Pressed about this amazing American sandwich

We were so full our dinner consisted of snacks (read: Oreos) from the Circle K.  So like basically we had the most American day ever.

Day 67: Visit to the War Remnants Museum and the Reunification Palace

The War Remnants Museum

After our visit to the Hoa Lo Prison in Hanoi, we were prepared for the War Remnants Museum to tell a decidedly North Vietnam/communist-friendly account of the conflict, and I think that is a pretty fair assessment of what we experienced at the museum.

I’m mostly glad we went because it certainly deepened my understanding of the history surrounding us in HCMC (Saigon at the time), but the images were especially sad.  The effects of Agent Orange were devastating, and the how young soldiers on both sides of the war were was striking.  For better or worse, war can seem abstract in America, but in so many places we have visited (Croatia, Malta, Vietnam), war is something that happened on that corner, and it is not abstract at all.

If you are in HCMC, I would recommend visiting the War Remnants museum, and I would also recommend a big lunch and a nap afterwards.  It was deep, and I know I needed to retreat and recover to process a bit after our visit.

An American helicopter at the War Remnants Museum on Ho Chi Minh City.
The “Reunification” Palace

This is a government office building used by the Americans and South Vietnamese during the Vietnam War.  On April 30, 1975, a North Vietnamese bulldozer rammed through the Palace’s front gate, signifying the fall of Saigon and an end to the war.  The Americans had finished evacuating the day before.

The Vietnamese call it the Reunification Palace because they celebrate the reunification of North and South Vietnam.  The South Vietnamese ex-pats refer to this time in history as Black April.

The palace is fascinating because everything in it has remained untouched.  It is like walking on to a Vietnamese set of Mad Men.  It is also one more reminder that this was a war fought in our parents’ lifetime.

Outside of the Reunification Palace in Saigon.
The Cabinet Room in the Reunification Palace

The heaviness of the day wore us out.  We went home, ordered Indian delivery food for dinner, and ate on the couch in our pajamas.

Day 68: Rest, Recovery, and Rooftop Bar

Rich woke up feeling terrible with a sore throat.  We picked up hot tea and a Gatorade equivalent at the Circle K and stayed inside to rest and recover.

I have no way to back this up, but I think some of the air pollution was getting to us.  There is so much exhaust in the city, and people cook, using a variety of fuel sources, out on the sidewalk.  My throat was okay, but my breathing just felt a bit labored.  Add clean air to the list of American things I take for granted.

After a day inside, we decided to head out to a rooftop bar to take in another view of Saigon.  The bar was located on the 28th floor of the Sheraton, and the views were really amazing.  We were glad we ventured out.

Enjoying the views and each other (as always)
The view from the Sheraton rooftop bar in Ho Chi Minh City. I did not expect HCMC to be nearly as modern feeling as it was.

Day 69: More Rest Needed and Change of Plans

Rich woke up feeling better but not great.  We had some pho from the restaurant downstairs for lunch, and then we headed to an incredible coffee shop named The Workshop to work.  I was able to blog a bit while Rich worked on travel planning.

Whole latte love for Workshop Coffee

Our original plan had been to head to Sihanoukville, Cambodia from Ho Chi Minh City.  However, the only way we could figure out to get there without spending way more on a flight than we wanted to spend was to take a 13+ hour bus ride (on a sitting not sleeping bus– the horror!).  While there have been points in the trip that we have “toughed out” some situations, neither of us were quite feeling up to a 13 hour bus ride on a route that had a few particularly unsettling reviews.

So we decided to go to Thailand instead!  In my humble opinion, something I really appreciate about our marriage is the agility with which Rich and I change course when we decide it is the right thing to do (travelling this year being a prime example).  And  a flight to Thailand and a hotel with a pool when we arrived sure sounded like a win.

While we didn’t see quite as much in Ho Chi Minh City as we had planned, we enjoyed its modern feel as well as being able to learn from its significant history.  Stay tuned for how we enjoyed our last minute change of plans to visit Chiang Rai, Thailand!

Days 60- 62: Halong Bay and Hue, Vietnam

If you follow our Insta, and you should be following our Insta (@bonvoyagebigadventure), you know that we had way too much fun with the Halong Bay jokes.

Amanda: Rich, we sure our a Halong way from home…

Rich: It’s going to be a Halong trip if you keep telling jokes like that!

View of Halong Bay
Taking in Halong Bay, Vietnam

Halong Bay, Vietnam is BEAUTIFUL, and we mostly enjoyed our trip– more on that below– and really enjoyed our time in Hue.

Days 60-61: Our Halong Bay Cruise and a Monster Attacks

Halong Bay, Vietnam is a UNESCO World Heritage Site filled with immense beauty and small fishing villages where, until recently, for multiple generations the people have lived their lives almost exclusively on the water.

Based on all of the research conducted by our expert trip planner (Rich), we concluded that the best way to see the Halong Bay was on an overnight cruise.  After even more research, Rich selected the Bhaya Cruise Line for our cruise operator.

The Itinerary
Day 1:
  • The cruise company picks you up directly from where you are staying in Hanoi.  You take about a four hour van ride to Halong Bay.
  • You are greeted with a welcome drink, board the ship, and receive a safety briefing while you eat lunch and the ship sets sail.
  • You cruise until you reach a fishing village, at which point you spend about an hour kayaking in and around the village.
  •  You return to the boat and enter “safe” waters to enjoy a swim.
  • Then there is happy hour with half priced drinks and a cooking demonstration.
  • Then you enjoy a bbq dinner on the top deck of the ship, and there are optional evening activities (a movie, night fishing) after dinner.
Day 2:
  • There is optional sunrise Tai Chi, followed by a continental breakfast.
  • You travel to a cave to explore.
  • You cruise back to the bay and enjoy brunch.
  • You disembark, and the van drives the four hours back to Hanoi.
The Good

For the first several hours of the cruise, we were loving life.  Navigating Hanoi had been a lot, and now we had a beautiful cabin to stay in and delicious food to eat, and we had to do zero work to obtain food and be surrounded in comfort.  We could sit back and enjoy a little luxury!

And, of course, Halong Bay is breathtakingly beautiful with some of the most amazing vistas in the entire world.  Watching the sunrise from our cabin was spectacular.  We also sat for about 30 minutes on our private balcony overlooking the bay while the boat was cruising and we had returned from kayaking, which was heaven.

Rich in Halong bay
Handsome Rich and the Halong Bay
Beautiful but windy!
We loved sitting together on our private balcony.
The Bad/Meh

Visiting the fishing village felt a little invasive, and honestly distasteful, to me.  We were a group of people wealthy enough to afford a cruise paddling around a neighborhood mouths agape trying not to say things like, “I can’t believe these are people’s homes.” (Read more nuanced research on the positive and negative effects of “slum tourism” here.)

You could say that we were looking at the beautiful, brightly colored houses, but I think that would be disingenuous.  Had I lived in those homes, I would not want people paddling around looking at me, remarking upon the way my community lives.  The original cruise we booked had us paddle through a cave, and then we received an email that we had received an “upgrade” on our cruise the day before.  I would have preferred to paddle through the cave.

Instead, we did a walking tour of a cave which was also super meh.  We were not exploring, we were walking about 100 yards total around in a circle.  Had we known more what to expect, we would have enjoyed sitting for a few more minutes together on our private balcony.

Rich’s first time wearing a life jacket!
kayaking in Halong Bay
Kayaking through the fishing village.  Amanda paddles; Rich rests his feet.
The Ugly

I got stung by a jelly fish.  Or maybe by seven jellyfish.  I had stings all over my body.

The staff made a big deal about docking in a spot with water that was “safe” to swim in, and I was actually the one pressuring Rich to jump in this time.  We were two of the first people in the water, and then a young guy jumped in a minute or two later, and it was clear something happened to him in the water.  We were remarking on what it might be, when I felt like I had been electrocuted– pain shot through my body like electricity.

“Something got me,” I said.  “I have to get out now.”

Rich, who was wonderful while the attack was happening and for the entire time after, later conceded that his first thought was hoping I was okay and his second was to get himself out of the water before whatever it was came for him.

As soon as I was back on the boat, my skin turned prickly red and white bumps and welts appeared.  And it hurt.  I was really trying to be brave because, I mean, we are around the world adventurers (ha!), but it was scary and it hurt.  In retrospect, I can’t believe I didn’t cry.  Or that Rich didn’t cry either!  I was a wreck, and gore/medical emergencies are not his favorite.

One of the staff members on the ship poured vinegar on me.  Another started rubbing limes on my welts.  One said not to shower, the other said shower immediately.  We went back to the room where first I took a cold shower and then Rich read to take a hot shower and the we rubbed every medication in the First Aid kit all over my body.  Rich was as calm and cool as a cucumber.

All over my body.

My frustration with the situation was that a.) I was the most uncomfortable I have been in years and b.) if they told us there was a chance of there being attacked by a jellyfish (but probably 7 jellyfish) I would have opted out!  I got stung as a kid so I had done this before.  It hurts!

Based on the staff’s quick response, it clearly had happened before.  Another guest told me at breakfast the next day that they had participated in a night fishing activity and seen about 20 jellyfish in a five minute period!  Come on!

So the Halong Bay cruise was not my favorite.  We attempted to do the fanciest, most luxurious thing of the whole trip, and I ended up having the worst experience! I preferred eating hot dogs  and camping in Iceland! Go figure.  You live, you learn.

Day 62: Hue, Vietnam

After we disembarked from the boat, we had a six hour ride back to Hanoi, then we took a super easy bus back to the Hanoi airport, and then we flew to Hue, Vietnam. We got to our AirBNB at about 10:00 PM, which was actually a room in an adorable boutique hotel.

We sat next to a gentleman on our flight who had also been on our cruise and talked travel and life the entire flight (not like us– we are way too introverted to enjoy talking to strangers).  He, his wife, and his teenage daughters live in Lisbon, Portugal, but he and his wife had lived in New York working in investment banking in the 90’s.  We really enjoyed exchanging travel stories, and they were incredibly encouraging when we told them about our trip.

The gentleman also shared that despite owning his own investment banking company in Portugal, the most important thing he does every day is to make it home in time to have dinner with his wife and daughters.  The family was really wonderful, and it was our pleasure to have met them.

Exploring Hue

After being on a boat for several days, it was nice to stretch our legs a bit.  We walked about 30 minutes to the Imperial Palace, a complex filled with beautiful buildings from when Hue had been the capital of Vietnam.

At the entrance to the Palace
golden dragon in Hue
Rich with a golden dragon! He likes to have his picture taken with animals and creatures, FYI.
Amanda at the Imperial Palace, from when Hue was the capital of Vietnam
Rich at the Imperial Palace

We then walked another hour to visit the Thien Mu Pagoda, or the Pagoda of the Celestial Lady, an ancient temple overlooking the river.  Most tourists do not walk quite this far–opting to take inexpensive tuk tuks instead– so we got curious looks both on the way there and on the way back!

Together overlooking the river
At the Pagoda
Rich at the Pagoda

We returned back to the hotel where we took advantage of the hotel jacuzzi and fell asleep in hammock chairs (I know, rough life!).

For dinner, we ate at one of our favorite restaurants of the entire trip: Nook Cafe and Bar.  I had a delicious veggie curry and Rich ate honey fried chicken with coconut sticky rice.  Yum!

Delicious veggie curry
This is Rich’s happy, I’m-about-to-eat-food face.

Hue was super hip, and I think we both could have happily stayed longer, enjoying being in a Vietnamese city that is a bit more modern with a slower pace than Hanoi.  If you are planning a trip to Vietnam, we would definitely encourage you to add Hue to your list.

Days 57-59: Hanoi, Vietnam. We are in Southeast Asia!

I am a bit behind on the blog (what’s new?), but I am so excited to start sharing about our time in Vietnam, beginning with Hanoi.

I’m going to “jump in” with a little analogy: When Rich and I were in Rovinj, Croatia, there was a swimming spot on the sea located off of some rocks right by the town.  There were two ways to get into the water.  You could climb down a ladder and ease into the water or you could climb up on the biggest rock, run, and then jump at least ten feet down straight into the sea.

I took the ladder; Rich ran and jumped off the high rock.

Deciding to start our first trip to Asia for either of us in Hanoi was definitely jumping off of the highest rock.  From the second, we stepped into the Hanoi airport, we were in a quite different world.

Let me be clear: we had a great time.  Hanoi is an incredibly culturally rich city that has faced and overcome monumental challenges.  In our time there, we learned a ton– both about Vietnam and about ourselves.

Day 56/57: Intercontinental Travel and Arriving in Hanoi

If you are a faithful reader, I left you last in Cefalu, Sicily on day 54 of our time abroad.  I’m going to fast forward a bit: on day 55, we traveled by train from Cefalu back to Palermo.  In the early morning (~4:30 AM) of day 56, we started our 24+ hours of travel to Hanoi which looked like:

  • A bus from Palermo to the airport
  • A flight from Palermo to Rome
  • A flight from Rome to Taipei
  • A flight from Taipei to Hanoi
  • A bus from the airport to our neighborhood
Quick Highlights of the Long(EST) Travel Day
  • Lounge Access. The international lounge in Rome was amazing, and we enjoyed a big breakfast.  When we landed in Taiwan, the pace of the airport was a bit frenetic, and at the security checkpoint, the Taiwanese official spotted a small pair of scissors in Rich’s bag that we had no idea we had.  We emptied everything out of his bag to discover the scissors came with our first aid kit and had already made it through about 1000 security checkpoints undetected.  Suffice it to say, we needed the zen of the lounge in Taiwan, and it delivered.
  • Our Long Haul Flight on China Airlines. We have no complaints about this flight, and we have one really big kudos: The in-flight entertainment options included a 25 minute film on the Philadelphia Eagles winning the Super Bowl last season.  We are HUGE Eagles fans, and I first found the film and watched it while Rich was sleeping.  I cried.  No really, I actually really and truly cried.  When Rich woke up, we watched it together.  Then he watched it two more times before the plane landed.  I didn’t tell you this, but Rich may have cried each time he watched it too.

Arriving in Hanoi, Vietnam

So when we left our apartment in Palermo, Italy, it was about 4:30 AM on Monday local time, and when we landed in Hanoi, it was 11:00 AM on Tuesday.  Crazy, huh?

We read that there was an easy, and cheap, bus (Bus 86- ~$1.50/person) to take us from the Hanoi airport to near where we were staying in Hanoi, and we were able to find it and get on pretty quickly.

Rich and I knew this day of travel was going to be challenging, particularly once we arrived on a different continent.  We have gotten a fair number of questions from readers that basically boil down to how do you keep from killing each other, and one way is by talking through situations where we know we will want to kill each other in advance.  It’s like running a race and visualizing where the hills are going to be and how you are going to keep your mind right when you get to them.  We had already talked through staying calm, taking our time, remaining patient, etc.

Still, visualizing Hanoi and being in Hanoi are two totally different things.  Once we got off the bus, we had about a 15 minute walk in the middle of the day with all of our belongings through the streets of Hanoi in approximately 95 degree heat.

What you should know about walking in Hanoi:

  • Sidewalks are not for walking.  They are almost like personal carports.  On the sidewalks, people cook food, park motorcycles, sit in small plastic chairs, burn trash, drink beer, sell items, make flower wreaths, prepare meat, keep animals, exercise, etc.  You can try to walk on sidewalks…
  • Traffic signals are meaningless. Cars, motorbikes, bicycles, tuk tuk drivers, and pedestrians somehow just make it work, regulation-free.  Someone told me that you just have to close your eyes and step into traffic when crossing the street and trust that the motorbikes and bicyclists will find a way around you.  Let’s just say Rich and I did more hand holding (hand gripping?) in three days in Hanoi than we had previously done in three years of marriage combined.
  • The smells are overpowering. Some of the smells are breathtakingly positive– imagine freshly baked bread and sweet fruit– and some are a bit sickening, mostly where meat is being prepared.  Walking down the street is like walking through kitchen after kitchen.  The intensity of the smells was something I had not anticipated.

So learning to walk in Hanoi is probably best done without carrying all of your belongings after 24+ hours of travel.  We made it to our AirBNB which was four flights up a stairwell with no air conditioning (we hardly ever fight but there may have been 30 seconds of screaming while we tried to get the key lock box open), and then immediately opened the door to our beautiful AirBNB and took off all our clothes (sorry to be graphic, but that is exactly what happened.  We were literally dripping with sweat.  And we’re married.).  We had arrived!

AirBNB in Hanoi
Our super chic– and most importantly, well air conditioned– AirBNB

Day 58: Exploring Hanoi

Exercise at Hoan Kiem Lake

If you enjoy exercise, do not go to Hanoi without making it to Hoan Kiem Lake at 6:00 AM.  It was everything.

So Hanoi is hot.  And as I shared, the sidewalks are useless.  If you want to exercise, you need to do it very first thing in the morning, and what better place to do it than at Hoan Kiem Lake, a centrally located lake surrounded by a large park.

We arrived at the lake right at 6:00 AM and exercise was already in full effect.  There were runners, cyclists, workout classes, men lifting weights, and groups doing Tai Chi.

lifting weights in Hanoi
The weight lifting area at Hoan Kiem Lake
Exercise in Hanoi
The walkers and cyclists at Hoan Kiem Lake
Exercise in Hanoi
Some group stretching

We ran around the lake one time, which was about a mile, and we were, once again, the sweatiest.  Rich wandered over to where the men were lifting weights and did a few bench presses after a local gentleman invited him to join in.  There were no women anywhere near the bench so I used that as my excuse to stick to running.

Rich lifting weights in Hanoi
My strong husband lifts really heavy weights

The morning had the feel of a community 5k– people happy to sweat, laugh, and be healthy together.  I loved this.

Coffee, The Ngoc Son Temple, Bun Cha, and the Temple of Literature

We grabbed coffee at the Note Cafe (super cute) and then went home so that Rich could participate in Fantasy Football Draft #1 (of 3) because #priorities.

Amanda's note at the Note Cafe
My Note at the Note Cafe
Note Cafe in Hanoi
Amanda at the Note Cafe post-workout. Everyone who visits leaves a note behind!

After that, we headed to the Ngoc Son Temple, a temple dedicated to Confucius and Tran Huong Dao, back at Hoan Kiem Lake.

From there, we walked to Bun Cha Huonh Lien, the famous spot where President Obama and Anthony Bourdain ate bun cha (imagine a variation on beef pho) together.  The bun cha was delicious and cheap.

Obama and Bourdain in Hanoi
Selfie with the picture of President Obama and Anthony Bourdain.  My sweaty hair is proof that we are really and truly in Hanoi.
bun cha in hanoi
Bun Cha- 85000 Vietnamese dongs (their currency) = ~$3.62
Bun cha in Hanoi
Rich is excited for his bun cha!

Our last stop of the day was the Temple of Literature.  This temple dates back to 1070 and honors scholars throughout Vietnamese history.  The educator (and nerd) in me thinks this is the coolest— if you did the best on your royal exams, given by the ruler himself, you had a statue of you erected for posterity.  Amazing.

We also overheard a tour guide tell this priceless story about a man who spent his whole life studying and preparing for these exams and finally took it and passed when he was 80+ years old.  #growthmindset #neverstoplearning

Inside temple of literature
Inside the Temple of Literature. I *think* that is Confucius.
Temple of Literature Hanoi
Amanda with a bonsai tree at the Temple of Literature
Temple of Literature in Hanoi
Rich at the Temple of Literature complex.

When we got back to our apartment, we took a long, glorious, air conditioned  nap!  The heat takes it out of you!

Day 59: Our Visit to the Hanoi Hilton

Day 58 was light and fun.  Day 59 anchored us a bit.  We were Americans visiting a country where individuals in our parents’ generation had waged a war.

The Hoa Lo Prison

The Hoa Lo Prison, nicknamed the Hanoi Hilton tongue-in-cheek by Americans during the Vietnam War, is a must visit in Hanoi.

The museum is in Vietnam, run by the Vietnamese, and thus, very much reflects a Vietnamese worldview.  The tour starts by showing how the French built the prison and then continuously renovated it to hold more and more Vietnamese prisoners.  It heralds the “brave communists” who risked personal safety to compose newsletters and encourage one another while imprisoned.  The museum highlights several Vietnamese prisoners who were able to escape through a cistern and honors communists who paid the ultimate sacrifice by displaying photographs of their being beheaded.

You are able to walk in to almost all of the cells.

Hanoi Hilton prison
Outside of the Hoa Lo Prison, aka the Hanoi Hilton.

At the end of the tour, there are two small rooms dedicated to sharing the story of the captivity of the American pilots during the Vietnam War.  The room shows smiling pictures of American soldiers playing basketball, strumming their guitars, celebrating Christmas, eating full meals, and receiving medical care.

Senator John McCain passed away two days after our visit to the Hanoi Hilton, and our visit in combination with his death, certainly made Rich and I think and talk a lot about bravery, propaganda, and how communities tell their own stories.

Senator McCain went months without medical treatment.  He spent six years of his life imprisoned in Hanoi.  He considered suicide because he was being beaten multiple times a day.  While he refused an early release unless soldiers imprisoned before him were also released, he did sign a false confession he would regret all of his life.

McCain at Hanoi Hilton
A picture of Senator McCain visiting years later

When the Vietnamese were held in the Hoa Lo prison, the treatment was brutal and inhumane.  When Americans were held, the treatment was kind and generous.  Who the storyteller is changes the story.

A depiction of how the Vietnamese were kept by the French.
Hanoi Coffee Station, Banh Mi, and Bia Hoi

On a lighter note, we enjoyed some good food and drinks!

  • Banh Mi. A banh mi is a traditional Vietnamese sandwich on french bread.  They are ubiquitous, cheap, and delicious.

    banh mi in Hanoi
    Enjoying banh mi!
  • Bia Hoi. Bia Hoi is the local draft beer in Vietnam.  It is very low alcohol content– about 3%– and each one costs about 35 cents.  Bia Hoi was exactly what we needed after our visit to the Hanoi Hilton.

    A much needed bia hoi.  The best part is that they are served ICE cold.
  • Hanoi Coffee Station. In Vietnam, the coffee is typically served with condensed milk, and often with additions such as egg, butter, and coconut.  Our host at the Hanoi Coffee Station explained to us that this is because Vietnamese Coffee is particularly bitter, and the flavors are necessary to make the coffee taste good.  This gentleman extolled the Hanoi Coffee Station’s process of selecting and roasting their beans and truly he made us two of the most delicious cups of coffee of our entire time abroad.

    Highly recommend the Hanoi Coffee Station for coffee and conversation

Our host at the Hanoi Coffee Station wanted to know more about how we drink coffee back in America.  We told him about our favorite coffee, La Colombe, which started in Fishtown, our neighborhood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and how they had developed an amazing draft latte.  He asked about our travels, and we shared that we were , in fact, traveling for nearly a year.

This bright, kind, interesting young man then said very directly that because of the low wages in Vietnam, he would probably never leave the country, and it gutted me.  Sure, we made some sacrifices to save money for this trip, but we did absolutely nothing to influence our both being born in a country with high wages and boundless opportunities, particularly for white, straight, healthy individuals like ourselves.  Talk about unpacking your privilege backpack.

In Hanoi, many people live their lives on the sidewalks.  They wake up before dawn and work until after dusk.  They sweep the streets, they butcher animals, they prepare food sitting on low plastic stools or in deep squats.  They laugh and love and yell and show kindness, and they have much more demanding lives than Rich or I could imagine living.  While our time in Hanoi was sweaty and crossing streets was more than a little challenging, the experience was eye opening, humbling, and expanding, and I am glad we decided to dive in head first.  I will always remember and appreciate our three days in Hanoi.