Hvala vam! After two plus weeks, I am ashamed to say this is the only Croatian I have learned.
Hvala Vam, however, means thank you, and I would like to extend an extra big Hvala Vam to you for reading this post, following along, and offering your support. Rich and I so appreciate all of the kindnesses we have been extended.
To catch everyone up to speed, it has now been over three weeks since we left the United States! We started in Iceland, which you can read about here and here, then traveled to Budapest, and we have been in Croatia (Zagreb and Rovinj and Split and Hvar) ever since. I write from Dubrovnik now and would like to share quickly about our lovely stay in Korcula, Croatia.
Day 20: Travel from Hvar to Korcula…On the Day of the World Cup Championship
Hvar was beautiful, but it was also a little young and a little untz-untz (that’s my club music impression). Korcula, while only about an hour away, was described to us as sleepy and calmer, maybe Hvar’s cool, older uncle? In other words, exactly our speed.

That is unless Croatia was playing in the World Cup championship for the first time in its history the day of your arrival!
Rich and I traveled form Hvar to Korcula on ferry, which is by far the easiest way to travel here. We arrived at our sweet little AirBNB with gorgeous views (seriously, go to Croatia), and were able to check in upon arrival. Rich and I grabbed groceries, showered and got dressed, and then went to find seats to watch the game.

We found a table in the back of a nice cafe overlooking the Adriatic, mostly filled with families. When Croatia tied the score at 1-1, the cafe was feeling good, but dejection set in pretty quickly as France turned it into a rout.

The game let out and young people poured into the streets. Would there be looting, rioting, anger? Nope. Just a lot of drinking. Like I went to an SEC school, and there was A LOT A LOT of drinking.
We are old so we made our way back to our lovely, quiet apartment.
And could continue to hear the partying from a nearby party boat. The DJ played every hip hop jam from high school and college designed to, umm, loosen inhibitions further: Baby Got Back, followed by The Thong Song, followed by It’s Getting Hot in Here, followed by Drop It Like It’s Hot, followed by Gold Digger. You get the idea. This classic party playlist lasted. for. hours.
Croatia, a nation in mourning.

Day 21: Re-group by Day, Explore Korcula by Night
Our WiFi had been pretty weak in Hvar, so we needed a day to post, blog, plan, and regroup. We went for a run in the morning, came back and ate chocolate pillows, our very favorite Croatian cereal, and spent most of the rest of the day getting organized.

We wandered out for pizza dinner, and after dinner, we thought we would wander a little more since our step count was low from all of our indoor lounging.

And thank goodness we did! We wandered into the fortress in Korcula, and it was teeming with life. Live musicians, sidewalk restaurants, small chapels and bigger cathedrals, kids playing soccer in squares. Korcula was decidedly not sleepy- it was alive in a beautiful, family-oriented sort of way. Young people dining with older people, dogs on leashes, wine flowing lazily. It was a Monday night, and everyone looked happy to be with each other.

If you are in college and you are reading this (shoutout to my husband’s younger brother and all of his friends in West Chester), visit Hvar. If you are glad you are over thirty and never have to live your twenties again, choose Korcula.
Unless Croatia plays in the World Cup Finals– then you can find a party anywhere.
love reading your blogs. Glad ya’ll are having such a good time. Love ya,
Thanks so much for following along! We are having a great time. Love you!